Nuclear fusion information

October 9, 2017
Nuclear fusion information

The Fusion Master is the obvious path for those who want to specialize in fusion. The curriculum is truly interdisciplinary – combining elements from Applied Physics, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering – and places emphasis on the goal-oriented nature of fusion research. Also the international character of fusion research, the work in interdisciplinary groups and the societal aspects are emphasized in the program. Just to be sure: your diploma will say ‘Master of Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion’.

For those who want to combine the Fusion Master study with Applied Physics, or Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, it is also possible to put together a ‘double degree’ program, which requires about 6 months of extra study.

Oh, and note that foreign students are very welcome to our Fusion Master. All lectures and study material are in English, which is the working language in the group anyway. But depending on where you are from, there may be special admission criteria - do check out the information for foreign students.

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