Jobs in Plasma Physics

June 1, 2016
LANL sponsors Recovery Act Job

Plasma Physics is the study of ionized gases. Plasma is the most common state of known matter in the universe. Our experimenters have seven labs on campus, and instruments on spacecraft, rockets, and the International Space Station. Our research includes experiment, theory, and simulation. Areas include basic science, astronomy, geophysics, and processing plasmas. Graduate students participate in a weekly plasma physics seminar.

We have the largest number of plasma physics faculty members among all physics departments in the U.S. We are ranked among the top ten universities nationwide in plasma physics. Our faculty members have strong international reputations, frequently giving invited talks at international conferences and winning grants from a wide range of funding agencies. Our faculty includes six fellows of the APS and one member of the National Academy of Sciences. Our labs, and our instruments in space, are unique and world class. We offer a wide choice of research problems, which are diversified among the most rapidly growing topics in plasma physics. Students publish highly-cited papers in leading journals, and give talks at major conferences. Plasma physics offers strong job placement opportunities, and our PhD graduates have excellent success in finding the jobs that they most want.

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