Contributions to Plasma Physics

March 21, 2015

The editorial team of the Journal of Plasma Physics would like to call your attention to a Special Issue of JPP edited by Vladimir Pastukhov (Kurchatov Institute), Leonid Zakharov (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) and Jack Connor (CCFE Culham) as A Tribute to the Contributions to Plasma Physics of V D Shafranov: 1929-2014.

Special Issue editors:

Vladimir Pastukhov Leonid Zakharov Jack Connor

Our intention is to gather papers related to the scientific work of V D Shafranov into a special issue, to provide a fitting tribute to his seminal contributions to the theory of plasmas. His work encompassed studies of toroidal magnetic equilibria (recognised by the attributions: the Grad-Shafranov equation and the Shafranov shift) and the stability of current carrying plasma (the Kruskal Shafranov condition). With L A Artsimovich he introduced the concept of tokamaks with non-circular cross-sections which has led to the development of the present high-performance tokamak regimes and to poloidal divertors. Furthermore, he explored innovative non-axisymmetric equilibria and calculated the collisional transport in toroidal devices. In addition he made early contributions to the theory of electromagnetic wave propagation and absorption and collisional shock waves in plasma. The issue will contain both invited papers and unsolicited contributions, which are warmly welcomed.

Leonid ZakharovWe would like to invite you to submit a paper for inclusion in the special issue. Both review papers and contributions describing new results and insights are welcome. All the usual refereeing standards and procedures will apply. The Journal of Plasma Physics has no page limits or page charges, submission to the arXiv is encouraged and an open access option is available (upon acceptance).

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us. Should you have work that you think would make a paper suitable for this special issue, and you intend to submit it, it would be helpful if you would let us know your intention so we can form an estimate of the likely extent of the special issue.

Please feel free to circulate this announcement to others who might be interested. We propose a and papers will be published online as soon as they are ready.

Expected contributors include:

  • Allen Boozer (Columbia University)
  • Tony Cooper (EPFL Lausanne)
  • Bob Dewar (Australian National University, Canberra)
  • Jeff Freidberg (MIT)
  • Alan Glasser (University of Washington, Seattle)
  • Sergei I Krasheninnikov (UCSD)
  • V V Nemov (Kharkov Institute)
  • Yu V Petrov (Ioffe Institute)
  • Alan D Turnbull (General Atomics)
  • Leonid Zakharov (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Indexing and arxiv
All articles published in JPP are included in all major indexes, including ADS, ISI, and Scopus. Furthermore, JPP works with arxiv to ensure that any preprints posted on the arxiv are automatically linked to the final version of record when published in JPP. We encourage all JPP authors to post their preprints on the arxiv. discover how to buy online votes.

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